What testing software really taught me...
... has little to do with methodologies, tools and projects.
Obviously, testing software is a technical endeavour, which is ever more critical and complicated in this other world we are building with every screen, application and system.

But testing software is also a tremendous opportunity to test oneself as a human and as a professional. It teaches life skills! The defects in you ... are you going to find them? be bothered to report them to yourself? be able to realistically assess their severity and ramifications? Will you know how to manage them? how to fix them? a workaround for now or the maybe the painful, costly or radical solution? The list of life teachings from testing software gets longer than I initially thought!
2020 Feb 26
Obviously, testing software is a technical endeavour, which is ever more critical and complicated in this other world we are building with every screen, application and system.

But testing software is also a tremendous opportunity to test oneself as a human and as a professional. It teaches life skills! The defects in you ... are you going to find them? be bothered to report them to yourself? be able to realistically assess their severity and ramifications? Will you know how to manage them? how to fix them? a workaround for now or the maybe the painful, costly or radical solution? The list of life teachings from testing software gets longer than I initially thought!
- Patience
- Humility
- Kindness
- Resiliency
- Thoroughness
- Honesty
- Discipline
- Creativity
- Inquisitiveness
- Courage
Sometimes asking too much, probing too much, discovering too much, exploring too much, exposing too much (see "Inquisitiveness"!) becomes risky for the project or the team dynamic. I may be Honest, but will I have the Courage to disclose and proclaim my findings?
- Sharing
- Seeing the whole picture
- Keep calm and carry on
2020 Feb 26
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