The mighty dash: splendid typos I have seen, committed or imagined

Forget the legions of benigne blunders in the "its/it's", "their/there", "principle/principal" class. Look at these possibilities:

  • "I took minutes at the boar meeting."
Subliminal thinking? If so, does not get said better than this...

  • COVID times slogan: "We are stronger together". 
There must be a typo, because the word is "stranger".

  • "Anti-black racism". 
I don't even want to think what should happen if someone re-positioned the dash.

  • "XYZ wants to defund ABC. It's up to us to defend it." 
How heavily one letter weighs in the balance!

  • "The mask media"
On the radio ... very likely that's not what they said but that's what I heard!!!

Keep watching!

2020 Jun 21
Lat Updated Jun 28
Mistake, Choice, Street, Business, Shoe, Adult


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