
Showing posts from June, 2020

The mighty dash: splendid typos I have seen, committed or imagined

Forget the legions of benigne blunders in the "its/it's", "their/there", "principle/principal" class. Look at these possibilities: "I took minutes at the boar meeting." Subliminal thinking? If so, does not get said better than this... COVID times slogan: "We are stronger together".  There must be a typo, because the word is "stranger". "Anti-black racism".  I don't even want to think what should happen if someone re-positioned the dash. "XYZ wants to defund ABC. It's up to us to defend it."  How heavily one letter weighs in the balance! "The mask media" On the radio ... very likely that's not what they said but that's what I heard!!! Keep watching! 2020 Jun 21 Lat Updated Jun 28

IT: no history, no authority

IT has a history that spans a century or more, depending how much we want to go back in time. There is no official birth date though. IT has a vast body of knowledge and many specialties that come and go as technologies evolve. There are many professionals practicing IT. There are many IT professional organizations. IT is pervasive. And yet there is no overarching professional IT governing authority at national or provincial level, like it exists for other professions such as physicians, accountants, engineers. Why is that? Probably the most important cause is that the IT arena has always been dominated by a number of very large and powerful companies. What professional organization could make a point that someone like Google, or Microsoft or IBM would accept and apply, when these behemoths have their own practices, certifications and product market share? They are worlds onto themselves. Unlike the other professions where there is much more responsibility placed on the individua...