
Showing posts from October, 2019

Green Testing

There are many methodologies and tools to support testing activities of all calibers and kinds in information technology. But I dare say, here is an angle not seen yet: testing for Green. What would that be? I am a firm believer that testing and design should go hand in hand. This belief comes from my many years of practice as an IT application analyst, designer, coder, tester and implementer. It does not come from the current upsurge in concerns with the environment but the time seems ripe for this public disclosure of what have been private professional concerns. Also worth noting that Green is not a popular topic when it comes to testing - yet! How I see it, Green Testing of software applications has two fundamental dimensions: assessing how green the tested application is; and,  how green the testing process itself is.  The first dimension is - or rather should be! - awareness of issues such:...